Butler HR understands just how frustrating and time consuming searching for a job can be.
At times it can be quite an emotional experience. We spend quality time with candidates in order to establish their capabilities and potential. We listen, follow up and follow through.
Butler HR are transparent about employment details. No secrets here.
It’s your decision, and you demand and require detailed information. Consultation is not limited to just verbalising a position description. We offer job seekers comprehensive written information on vacancies, companies and remuneration conditions.
When quality written information is combined with thorough interview consultation in a relaxed environment, you have an opportunity to make an informed and objective decision on your suitability.
Ready to apply? Search open roles
Helping you find success, again….
Increasingly, redundancy is becoming commonplace in the business world, challenging all involved. Making an employee redundant or losing your job is a stressful experience, no matter what the circumstances.
Butler HR offer tailored solutions and one-on-one client support with a range of tailored outplacement services for the individual and the organisation.
Our programs assist clients to learn more about themselves; resulting in increased awareness of career objectives and clarity about the job market. Fine-tuning your communication; improving CV and letter writing; better understanding your employment market appeal and knowing where and how to look for a job are just a few key dimensions of our programs.
While career transition is never straightforward, Butler HR will help you put things into perspective, evaluate your options, overcome your fears and be completely prepared for the next step.